Diabetes Review

Diabetic patients will be contacted to arrange a blood test either 6-monthly or annually.

We will now ask that you monitor your blood pressure and weight at home rather than at the practice. The practice nurse will speak to you about this.

Just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?

NHS Lothian have produced a leaflet titled “living with type 2 diabetes” to help you understand more about how to manage your condition.


When you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, we will refer you to the DESMOND structured education programme, which is run in groups of up to 10 people.

Lothian Diabetes Representative Group

The Lothian Diabetes Representative Group (LDRG) was started in 2002 and has been active in establishing links between people living and coping with diabetes and the wide variety of NHS healthcare professionals with whom they come in contact.  It is a group of people from all walks of life who have diabetes (type 1 and type 2) or family members with diabetes.

Edinburgh Centre for Endocrinology and Diabetes

ECED is a focus for the provision of high-quality multi-disciplinary care.  This unified centre facilitates service development, quality improvement, training and education in endocrinology and diabetes in Edinburgh and the Lothians.  

Additional Information

BMI Calculator

The body mass index (BMI) is a measure that uses your height and weight to work out if your weight is healthy.

>> Check your BMI

My Diabetes My Way

The Scotland interactive diabetes website to help support people who have diabetes and their family and friends.

You’ll find leaflets, videos, educational tools and games containing information about diabetes. You can now also use this website to view your own up-to-date diabetes clinic results, to help you manage your condition more effectively.

Diabetic eye screening

Diabetic eye screening is a test to check for a condition called diabetic retinopathy. This is when diabetes causes the small blood vessels in the retina (backs of the eyes) to leak or become blocked.

>> Diabetic eye screening (DES)

Illness and Sick Day Rules for Type 1 Diabetes

Illness and Sick Day Rules

Illness is a stress on the body. You become more resistant to insulin and blood glucose levels rise (hyperglycaemia). You may need to take more insulin, drink more fluids and check your blood glucose more frequently than you usually do. By doing this you may help stop your body developing ketones. Ketones are produced when there is not enough insulin in your body. The aim is to prevent ketones rising in your body. A person with type 1 diabetes is at risk of developing ketones which may lead to diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA). This is a serious condition which can be life threatening and require hospital treatment.

Ketone Testing

Ketone testing is a key part of type 1 diabetes management. If you have type 1 diabetes, it is recommended that you have ketone testing supplies on your prescription. Please ask to speak to our practice pharmacist if you are unsure.

>> Further information about Ketone Testing from Diabetes.co.uk

Looking after your feet

How to Look after your Feet

It is important for diabetics to keep feet healthy and spot problems early. As part of the annual diabetes telephone review our practice nurse will ask you questions about your feet. Before the pandemic, we were able to carry out this check at the practice, but currently we need our patients to self-report any foot problems.

How to look after your feet – guidance from Diabetes UK

Your Annual Foot Check

Please read this leaflet before your telephone review, and use the checklist to help our nurse to make an assessment of your feet, If there are any concerns raised about either of the circulation or nerves in your feet, we will arrange a video consultation or a face to face appointment.

Edinburgh Royal Infirmary Foot Clinic

Information about the foot clinic at the ERI. There are also links to their patient information leaflets.

>> Further information about ERI Foot Clinic

Diabetes UK “Touch the Toes “

You can test the sensitivity in your feet by following this online video. It only takes a few minutes, but you do need someone to help.

>> Testing for sensitivity in your Feet

Looking after your feet when you have Diabetes